covid19 Medicine

How we obtained, analyzed COVID19 data across 96 hospitals, 5 countries in 4 weeks.

At first, I waited for others in the government, industry and in academia to put together the data and the analyses that would allow clinicians to practice medicine that has worked the best: knowing what to expect when treating a patient. With the first COVID19 patients, ignorance was to be expected but with hundreds of patients seen early on in Europe, we could expect solid data about the clinical course of these patients. Knowing what to expect would allow doctors and nurses to be on the look out for different turns in the trajectory of their patients and thereby act rapidly and without having to wait for a full morbid declaration of yet another manifestation of viral infection pathology. Eventually we could learn what works and what does not but first just knowing what to expect would be very helpful. I’m a “cup half-full” optimist but when, in March, I saw that there were dozens of efforts that would yield important results but in months rather than weeks [If there’s interest, I can post an explanation of why I came to that conclusion], I decided that I would try to see if I could do something useful with my colleagues in biomedical informatics. Here I’ll focus on what I have found amazing—that groups can work together on highly technical tasks to complete multi-institutional analyses in less than a handful of weeks if they have shared tools, whether open source or proprietary but most importantly, if they have detailed understanding of the data from their specific home institution.

I first reached out to my i2b2 colleagues with a quick email. What are “i2b2 colleagues”? Over 15 years ago, I helped start a NIH-funded national center for biocomputing predicated on the assumption that by instrumenting the healthcare enterprise we could use the data acquired during the course of healthcare (at considerable financial cost and grueling effort of the healthcare workforce, but that’s another story). One of our software products was a free and open source software system called i2b2 (named after our NIH-funded national center for biomedical computing: Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside) that enable data to be extracted by authorized users from various proprietary electronic health record systems—EHR. i2b2 was adopted by hundreds of academic health centers and an international community of informaticians work together to share knowledge (eg. how to analyze EHR data) was formed. The group meets twice a year, once in the US and once in Europe and has a non-profit foundation to keep it organized. This is the “i2b2” group I sent an email out to. I wrote that there was an opportunity to rapidly contribute to our understanding of the clinical course. We were going to have to focus on the data that was available now, was useful in the aggregate (obtaining permission to share individual patient data across institutions let alone countries is a challenging and lengthy process). As most of us were using the same software to extract data from the health record, we had a head start but we all knew there would be a lot of thought and work required to succeed. Among the many tasks we had to address:

  • Make sure that the labs reported by each hospital were the same ones. A glucose result can be recorded under dozens of different names in an EHR. Which one(s) should be picked? Which standard vocabulary should be used to name that glucose and other labs (also known as the terrifyingly innocuous-sounding yet soul-deadening process of “data harmonization.”
  • Determine what constitutes a COVID19 patient? In some hospitals they received patients said to be COVID19 positive but they don’t know positive by which test. In others they use two specific tests. If the first is negative and the second is positive is the time of diagnosis: the admission, the time of the first test or second test?

Assigning these tasks across more than 100 collaborators in 5 countries during the COVID19 mandatory confinement and then coordinating these without a program manager was going to be challenging under any conditions. Doing so with the goal of showing results within weeks, even moreso. In addition to human resourcefulness and passion we were fortunate to have a few tools that made this complex international process a tractable one. These were Slack, Zoom, Google documents, Jupyter notebooks, Github and a shared workspace on the Amazon cloud (where the aggregate data was stored, the individual patient data remained at all the hospital sites). We divided the tasks into subtasks (e.g. common data format, visualization, results website, manuscript writing, data analysis) and created a Slack channel for each. Then those willing to work on the subtask self-organized on each of their respective channels. Three out of the five tools I’ve listed above were not available just 10 years ago.

We were able to publish the first results and a graphically sophisticated website within 4 weeks. See for the result. That and pre-print. All of this with consumer-level tools and of course a large prior investment in open source software designed for the analysis of electronic health records. Now we have a polished version of the pre-print published in Nature Digital Medicine and a nice editorial.

Nonetheless, the most important takeaway from this rapid and successful sprint to characterize the clinical course of COVID19 is the familiarity each of the informaticians at each clinical site had with their institutional data. This certainly did help them respond rapidly to data requests but that was less important than understanding precisely the semantics of their own data. Even sites that would have the same electronic health record vendor would have practice styles that would mean that a laboratory name (e.g. Troponin) in one clinic would not be the same test as in the ICU laboratory. Sorting that out in multiple Zoom and Slack conversations required dozens of conversations. Yet, many of the commercial aggregation efforts are of necessity blind to these distinctions because their business model precludes this detailed back and forth with each source of clinical data. Academic aggregation efforts tend to be more fastidious about aligning semantics across sites but it’s understandable that the committee-driven processes that result are ponderous and with hundreds of hospitals take months, at least. Among the techniques we used to maintain our agility was a ruthless focus on a subset of the data for a defined set of questions and to steadfastly refuse to expand our scope until we completed the first, narrowly defined tasks, as encapsulated by our first pre-print. Our experience with international colleagues using i2b2 since 2006 also created a lingua franca and patience with reciprocal analytic “favor-asking.” 4CE has continued to have multiple meetings per week and I hope to add to this narrative in the near future.