Isaac Kohane (about Zaklab PI)


Potential Conflicts of interest (Companies/Boards)

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Medical science is the 21st century research frontier. It is the ambitious mechanism with which we hope to enable everyone to realize their potential without the burden of disease. Yet this 21st century endeavor has been remarkably slow in adopting the computational tools that would transform this science into a truly information and knowledge-processing discipline. Over the last 30+ years I've explored different "angles of attack" on how to effect this transformation from clinical care to disease classification to functional genomics. For a variety of reasons, best explained over a cup of coffee, I've been particularly interested in Autism Spectrum Disorders as a frame within which I can explore many of my interests. Although you can take a look at some of my publications, you'll get a better sense of my current interests by reviewing the questions being considered by the laboratory or this blurb from the Departmental website. However, it is often the case that my students' and post-docs' own research journeys—in the broad domain of computationally enabled biomedicine—inspire my interests in topics that I had never seriously considered before.

Potential Conflicts of interest

I've listed below the companies and foundations I am involved with. Some compensate me generously for my time and others may one day do so. Nonetheless, I am firmly convinced that there is far more potential conflict of interest (COI) in personal pet theories and scientific ideologies—the dark matter of COI—and I believe these bias my views a lot more than any financial rewards but just in case I am wrong, I prefer to err on the side of transparency.

Inovalon Board of Directors
Canary Medical Board of Directors
Activate Care Founder/Board of Directors
PulseData Scientific Advisory Board
Medaware Scientific Advisory Board
i2b2/TranSMART Foundation Chair, Board
Danaher Scientific Advisory Board
Ascendant Dx Scientific Advisory Board
Rady Childrens Inst Gen Med Scientific Advisory Board

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Don't read too much into this. Includes workout tracks and background music for work (coding, writing).

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